most beautiful lakes in the world

Many people who choose to holiday by the sea than on the shores of the lake. In fact, a lot of which is not less beautiful lakes to the sea. Of the many lakes in the world, here's 12 of the most spectacular lakes. The lake is located at a high altitude, deep, clear, and beautiful views. Everything can be seen through the boat, cable car, walkways, or castle tower.

1. Lake Malawi, Malawi
Is home to 1,000 species of fish, most of the other lakes. Lake Malawi is also called Lake Nyasa is the third largest lake in Africa with a length of 363 miles and a depth of 50 miles. The lake is located at 2,300 feet below sea level, on the border between Malawi, Mozambique, and Tanzania, which support hundreds of local residents with a wealth of water springs, which unfortunately are endangered due to overfishing. Borders the southern part of the rich wild life. Cape Maclear, which is the first freshwater national park and a UNESCO world heritage site in 1984.
Danau Malawi

most beautiful lake in Indonesia

1. Lake Toba
The lake is derived from this eruption has a length of approximately 100 kilometers and 30 kilometers wide. This lake is the largest lake in Indonesia and Southeast Asia's largest.

With Samosir Island located in the middle, add the beauty of this lake. In addition, the lake is located on the slopes of the foothills that add to the exoticism of this lake.


danau terindah di indonesia

1. Danau Toba

Danau yang berasal dari letusan supervolcano ini memiliki panjang yang kurang lebih 100 kilometer dan lebar 30 kilometer. Danau ini merupakan danau terbesar di Indonesia dan juga terbesar di Asia Tenggara. Dengan Pulau Samosir yang berada di tengahnya, menambah keindahan danau ini. Selain itu, Danau ini berada di lereng lereng perbukitan sehingga menambah keeksotisan danau ini. 


pangandaran beach

Pangandaran Beach
Attraction which is the belle of the beach in West Java is located in the Village District Pananjung Pangandaran with a distance of ± 92 km south of the city Kudat, has a variety of features such as:
• Able to see the sunrise and sunsets from the same place
• gently sloping beaches with crystal clear water and the distance between the ups and downs are relatively long to allow us to swim safely
• There is a beach with white sand
• There are rescue teams coastal tourism
• The road is paved smooth environment with adequate street lighting
• There is a marine park with fish and fascinating marine life.

pantai pangandaran

Pantai Pangandaran
Objek wisata yang merupakan primadona pantai di Jawa Barat ini terletak di Desa Pananjung Kecamatan Pangandaran dengan jarak ± 92 km arah selatan kota Ciamis, memiliki berbagai keistimewaan seperti:
• Dapat melihat terbit dan tenggelamnya matahari dari satu tempat yang sama
• Pantainya landai dengan air yang jernih serta jarak antara pasang dan surut relatif lama sehingga memungkinkan kita untuk berenang dengan aman
• Terdapat pantai dengan hamparan pasir putih


kuta beach bali

The most famous beaches in Bali. Travelers who vacation in Bali will never forget to pay a visit to Kuta beach, especially when the sun will set. Kuta Beach is one of the places in Bali to see the panoramic setting of the sun in addition to Pura Uluwatu, Pura Tanah Lot or Jimbaran beach. Can we imagine every day especially in the afternoon Kuta beach will be filled with domestic and foreign tourists, waiting for the sunset, swim, or just walk along the beach. Which makes this beach is also famous for its waves high enough to do water sports, especially surfing (surfing). No wonder that along the coast we can easily find that rent surfboards. You want to try?

Activity in Kuta Beach



pantai kuta bali

Pantai yang paling terkenal di Bali. Wisatawan yang berlibur di Bali tidak akan pernah lupa untuk berkunjung ke pantai Kuta, terutama pada saat matahari akan terbenam. Pantai Kuta merupakan salah satu tempat di Bali untuk melihat panorama terbenamnya matahari selain Pura Uluwatu, Pura Tanah Lot atau pantai Jimbaran. Dapat kita bayangkan setiap hari terutama pada sore hari pantai Kuta akan penuh dengan wisatawan domestic maupun mancanegara, menantikan matahari terbenam, berenang, atau sekedar jalan-jalan di sepanjang bibir pantai. Yang membuat pantai ini juga terkenal adalah ombaknya yang cukup tinggi untuk melakukan olah raga air terutama berselancar (surfing). Tidak heran kalau disepanjang pantai dapat dengan mudah kita menjumpai papan selancar yang disewakan. Anda mau mencoba?

Senggigi beach Lombok

If you ever imagine your body lying on the beach Indonesia, on the beautiful white sand, sprinkled with exotic all-natural landscape, and bombarded the sunlight that warms the body, it is not wrong if you took a recreation and tourist areas on the island of Senggigi Beach Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. The beach is located 12 kilometers northwest of Mataram is indeed a tourist attraction famous for its beautiful beaches and naturalness.

Communities often align the beauty of Senggigi beach with famous beaches on the island of Bali, such as Kuta, Legian and Sanur. In fact, the beauty of Senggigi Beach is often portrayed exceed these beaches, because the condition is much more comfortable and quiet. Perhaps this is related to the arrival of foreign

pantai senggigi lombok

Jika Anda pernah membayangkan tubuh Anda terbaring di pinggir pantai indonesia, di atas pasir putih yang indah, ditaburi pemandangan alam yang serba eksotis, serta dihujani cahaya mentari yang menghangatkan tubuh, maka tak salah jika Anda menyempatkan diri berekreasi dan ber wisata Pantai ke Senggigi di Pulau Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Pantai yang terletak 12 kilometer di sebelah barat laut Kota Mataram ini memang merupakan obyek wisata yang terkenal dengan keindahan dan kealamian pantainya.
Masyarakat sering menyejajarkan keindahan pantai senggigi ini dengan pantai-pantai ternama di Pulau Bali, seperti Kuta, Legian, dan Sanur. Bahkan, keindahan Pantai Senggigi sering dilukiskan melebihi pantai-pantai tersebut, karena kondisinya yang jauh lebih nyaman dan tenang. Mungkin hal ini terkait dengan belum maraknya kedatangan turis mancanegara di pantai ini.

10 temple budha and hindu

10 temple budha

1.borobudurBorobudurCharacteristics of it:
borobudurBorobudur-shaped punden, which consists of six levels of a square, three levels of a circular and a main stupa as a peak. Also scattered in all levels-the levels several stupas.Borobudur is the name of a Buddhist temple located at Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java. Location of the temple is approximately 100 km southwest of Semarang and 40 km northwest of Yogyakarta. This temple

10 candi hindu dan budha di indonesia

10 candi budha di indonesia

candi borobudur

Ciri-Ciri nya :
Candi Borobudur berbentuk punden berundak, yang terdiri dari enam tingkat berbentuk bujur sangkar, tiga tingkat berbentuk bundar melingkar dan sebuah stupa utama sebagai puncaknya. Selain itu tersebar di semua tingkat-tingkatannya beberapa stupa.

bali island

Bali Island is a small beautiful island and a part of Indonesia archipelago. It own the panorama and unique culture that make this island is exclusively than others. It is located in the tropical situation that has stated this island as Dream Island for a vacation. Bali Island has many kinds of places to visit like rice paddies, beautiful panorama, volcanoes soaring up through the clouds, tourism activities and attractions, dense tropical jungle, long sandy beaches, warm blue water, crashing surf and friendly people who don't just have a culture but actually live here, daily community ritual and a lot of things make your holiday unforgettable. In Bali, the spirits is coming out to play in the moonlight, every night is a festival and even a funeral is an opportunity to have a good time and the day you will get the enjoy of the sea breeze from the blue sea water which completing your dream holiday. Bali is an Island of God in Paradise that is perfect destination for your holiday, enjoy the paradise with your family and collages and meet Bali will offer something for everyone. This tropical paradise has a unique blend of modern tourist facilities combined with wonderful shopping and a rich past and heritage. The Balinese people are proud of having preserved their unique Hindu culture against the advance of Islam, the dominant religion throughout Indonesia. This is still reflected in day-to-day life and can be seen in the numerous ceremonies, Balinese festivals and magnificent temples and palaces. Some of the best surfing beaches in the world can be found on the western side of the island whilst conversely the eastern side is a wonderful haven for families, with beautiful white sand beaches and gentle seas.
Balinese, Bali social life


most beautiful sights in the world

This world is God's creation consists of many places - a beautiful place without human intervention though already looks beautiful and awe-inspiring of many people. Although there are some beautiful places in the world which is an area with buildings - buildings and facilities which of course is rarely to be found in any place. 10 most beautiful places in the world is always crowded with people and become a tourist destination that is never empty of visitors.
Here are 10 of the most beautiful places in the world:

This is where the inserts are located between the sea a very steep slope. The fjord reaches more than 1,300


tempat wisata terindah di dunia

Dunia ciptaan Tuhan ini memang terdiri dari banyak tempat - tempat indah yang tanpa campur tangan manusia sekalipun sudah terlihat indah dan mengundang decak kagum dari banyak orang. Walaupun memang ada beberapa tempat terindah di dunia yang memang merupakan kawasan dengan bangunan - bangunan serta fasilitas yang tentu saja jarang bisa ditemui di sembarang tempat. 10 tempat terindah di dunia selalu ramai dikunjungi orang dan menjadi tempat tujuan wisata yang tidak pernah sepi dari pengunjung.
Berikut ini adalah 10 tempat terindah di dunia:


most beautiful tourist places in Indonesia

ndonesia is a very beautiful country, the natural beauty stretches from Sabang to Merauke, diverse cultures come together under one flag. one of my goals is to explore the entire parcel of land of this country, :-) and learn from nature and culture of our country is very diverse .. Next I tried to make a list of the 10 most beautiful natural sights in Indonesia.
1.NATIONAL.TAMAN LORENTZLorentz National Park - PapuaLorentz National Park in the set as one of the world natural heritage site by UNESCO in 1999, is one of three regions in the world that has snow in the tropics. Lorentz National Park is representative of the complete ecosystem for biodiversity in Southeast Asia and the Pacific region. This area covers the mountains, beaches, lakes, jungles, etc. .. here also there is one of the seven highest peaks on seven continents (seven summits) is Cartenzpyramid or by local communities in the call Ndugu Ndugu (4,884 masl). of the many indigenous tribes living in the region, most notably the tribal Asmat.Lorentz National Park has so many interesting places to visit, but for access to this area is very difficult .. in addition to topography and rugged terrain, the region still has not been thoroughly mapped secarah .. still many places unspoiled by man. [10 Most Beautiful Places in Indonesia Tourism]

tempat wisata terindah di indonesia

Indonesia merupakan negeri yang sangat indah, keindahan alam membentang dari sabang sampai merauke, beraneka ragam budaya berkumpul di bawah satu bendera merah putih. salah satu cita-cita saya adalah bisa menjelajah seluruh jengkal tanah negeri ini, :-) dan belajar dari alam dan budaya negeri kita yang sangat beraneka ragam.. berikut saya mencoba membuat daftar 10 tempat wisata alam terindah di Indonesia.

most beautiful islands in the world and Indonesia

1. Raja Ampat islandsRaja Ampat IslandRaja Ampat is located on the island of Papua, exactly at the top of the bird's head paupa. This place is very beautiful, very good for diving, the waters of Raja Ampat island has 80% of coral reefs in the world, it is definitely Raja Ampat islands have coral comprehensive in the world. If you read various magazines about the diving, Raja Ampat islands artifacts must be in the top ten diving spots in the world too beautiful. in fact, there are some who say the island of Raja Ampat is a wonderful place for diving and completeness of underwater flora and fauna.almost all the resorts on the island of Raja Ampat is managed by the non-indigenous citizens, so also almost all currencies in the Raja Ampat islands use U.S. $. and to get there you can find on google search.2. Cubadak IslandCubadak-islandterlerletak Cubadak island in western Sumatra, the island lies close enough to the desert city. sanyangnya but not everyone knows tntang desert island Cubadak, because that has Cubadak resort on the island is the Italian. Cubadak island there are only a dozen bungalows, which is managed by Italian citizens. Cubadak island is famous for its clean white sand, and beautiful green color that really pantanya. truly a paradise on the island Cubadak, you will feel in a private island, when you wake up you will see the forest behind the resort, Patai white sand in front of the resort, and its unique green color cuadak beach on the island is almost not choppy, it's giving the sensation us that we were on the island in the middle of a giant lake, interesting is not it.3. Bali Island

pulau terindah

1. pulau raja ampat

Raja Ampat Island
pulau raja ampat terletak di papua, persisnya di bagian atas kepala burung paupa. tempat ini sangat indah, sangat bagus untuk diving, perairan pulau raja ampat ini memiliki 80% jenis terumbu karang yang ada di dunia, hal ini sudah pasti pulau raja ampat mempunyai karang terlengkap di dunia. jika anda membaca berbagai majalah tentang tempat selam, pastilah pulau raja ampat tedapat di sepuluh besar tempat diving ter indah di dunia. bahkan, ada beberapa yang mengatakan pulau raja ampat adalah tempat paling indah untuk diving dan kelengkapan flora dan fauna bawah laut.
hampir semua resor di pulau raja ampat ini di kelola oleh warga non pribumi, jadi juga hampir semua mata uang di pulau raja ampat menggunakan US$. dan untuk menuju kesana bisa anda cari di google search.

islands in Indonesia

List of Islands in IndonesiaIn 1972, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) publish as many as 6,127 names in the Indonesian islands. In 1987 the Center of Surveying and Mapping Armed Forces (ABRI Pussurta) states that the number of islands in Indonesia are as many 17,508, where 5,707 of whom have had a name.Coordinating Agency for Surveys and Mapping (Bakosurtanal), in 1992 published the names Gazetteer Island and the islands of Indonesia recorded as 6,489 named islands, including the name of the island in the river 374. Institute of Aeronautics and Space Agency (Lapan), in 2002 based on satellite imagery study stated that the number of islands in Indonesia are as many as 18,306 pieces.Data from the Ministry of Home Affairs in 2004 stated that the 7,870 islands are named, while 9,634 unnamed islands.Of the many islands in Indonesia, only about 6,000 are inhabited islands. The following are the main islands of Indonesia:

pulau pulau di indonesia

Daftar Pulau di Indonesia
Tahun 1972, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) memublikasikan sebanyak 6.127 nama pulau-pulau di Indonesia. Pada tahun 1987 Pusat Survei dan Pemetaan ABRI (Pussurta ABRI) menyatakan bahwa jumlah pulau di Indonesia adalah sebanyak 17.508, di mana 5.707 di antaranya telah memiliki nama.
Badan Koordinasi Survei dan Pemetaan Nasional (Bakosurtanal), pada tahun 1992 menerbitkan Gazetteer Nama-nama Pulau dan Kepulauan Indonesia yang mencatat sebanyak 6.489 pulau bernama, termasuk 374 nama pulau di sungai. Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (Lapan), pada tahun 2002 berdasarkan hasil kajian citra satelit menyatakan bahwa jumlah pulau di Indonesia adalah sebanyak 18.306 buah.
Data Departemen Dalam Negeri pada tahun 2004 menyatakan bahwa 7.870 pulau yang bernama, sedangkan 9.634 pulau tak bernama.
Dari sekian banyaknya pulau-pulau di Indonesia, yang berpenghuni hanya sekitar 6.000 pulau. Di bawah ini disajikan pulau-pulau utama Indonesia: